Energy Business ▼

MAPUNI can provide technical support for smart grid operation, such as geographic space information sharing and business application integration, and provide strong support of grid resource management and visual analysis services for the "five major" system construction of grid companies.

MAPUNI provides the whole life cycle services of data product in the Electric Power industry, including geographic information map products of power grid GIS platform, business data collection and sharing, power cable data acquisition, power equipment QR code/RFID products, 3D products, UAV patrol service, etc., to further meet the modernization requirement of power grid and their clients, to strengthen asset management, operation management and regulatory capacity of power grid equipment, and improve power supply reliability and power quality, thereby providing quality customers with high quality, efficient and safe services in a timely manner.




classic cases

Grid map: 1:500 map for Liaoning Electric Power Company



Business data collection: Business data collection and sharing for Ningxia
